The Freemason’s Foundation is the brand face for the Northern Masonic Association Trust Board. It was formed to provide the on-going operation and management support that came with the construction of the Roskill Masonic Village in Auckland. Since its formation in 1957, the Village cared for the elderly and was the public face of Freemasonry. Although the Village was sold to the Selwyn Foundation, Freemasonry still maintains a strong connection through the frequent visits to the Edgar Faber Memorial Chapel, by Masonic Lodges from all Constitutions in the region, including our Auckland Lodge – Ara Lodge No. 348.
Since its inception, representation on the Northern Masonic Association Trust Board has been made up from all the Masonic bodies that had contributed towards the Village’s establishment. This includes all four constitutions and this collaboration continues today – a unique show of unity amongst all parts of the masonic community in New Zealand.
Today, the Freemasons Foundation supports numerous major projects and funding across many areas of need as exampled by its support of programmes for youth in higher education, medical projects and health, arts and culture, and many other community activities.